Elasticsearch 搜索 API 和查询 DSL 实践
Elasticsearch Search API and Query DSL In Practice
- 1. About this Course and Author
- 1. About the author
- 3. Prerequisites
- 1. How to prepare yourself to this course
- 2. Role of Elasticsearch in the infrastructure
- 3. Basic Terms
- 4. Search in Elasticsearch cluster
- 1. Distributed Search
- 2. Source and Inverted Index
- 5. Query DSL
- 1. How to run Elasticsearch & Kibana
- 2. Sample DataSet
- 3. Search Types
- 4. Search API
- 5. Term Query
- 6. Bool Query
- 7. Query context or Filter context
- 8. Range Query
- 9. Prefix Query & Wildcard Query
- 10. Regexp Query
- 11. Match Query
- 12. QueryString Query
- 13. Fuzzy query
- 14. Span Query
- 15. Geo Query
- 16. Nested objects & nested query
- 17. Reverse search - Percolate
- 6. Aggregations
- 1. Aggregations Overview
- 2. Aggregations - Metric Aggregations
- 3. Aggregations - Bucketing Aggregations
- 4. Aggregations - Pipeline Aggregations
- 7. Search API special features
- 1. Highlighting
- 2. Suggestions And Spell Correction
- 3. Search templates
- 4. Source filtering
- 5. Scroll API
- 8. Tuning & Optimizations
- 1. Tuning & good practices
- 2. Index naming convention
- 3. Search Profiler
- 4. Performance testing
- 5. Slowlog
- 6. Custom Routing
- 7. Custom Scoring
- 9. Congratulations
- 1. Thank You!