从头开始使用 Node JS 构建后端 REST API
Build a Backend REST API with Node JS from Scratch
- 1. Project Introduction
- 2. Create a Node project from scratch
- 3. Pre-checks. Environment Setup
- 4. NodeJS, NPM, Git, and Git Config
- 5. Install necessary NPM packages
- 6. Install Nodemon for automatically reload any changes
- 7. Our first file (server.js)
- 8. Let's speak with our backend (API)
- 9. Insomnia - Postman - REST clients for making HTTP requests very easily
- 10. HTTP Status Codes - Let's make them readable
- 11. API Endpoints
- 12. Let's design the architecture of our Simple API
- 13. Part 1 - Create a solid and flexible architecture for the API
- 14. Part 2 - Create a solid and flexible architecture for the API
- 15. Validate our endpoints
- 16. Secure our API - Potential Vulnerabilities
- 17. Let's briefly see JSDoc and OpenAPI
- 18. Let's git commit our simple RESTful API
- 19. Rate limiting and compressing your API
- 20. Adding Pino logging library for our NodeJS API
- 21. Let's create our client React app
- 22. UsersList, AxiosFetch and Installing dependencies
- 23. UsersList component - Implementation
- 24. Enhance UsersLis component
- 25. React Styled-Components
- 26. Use React Router
- 27. Create User component
- 28. Toastify messages and hadling error messages from API
- 29. Retrieve a user from our React component
- 30. Refactoring Layout-Navbar
- 31. Re-organized React client into multi-tiers
- 32. Edit a User
- 33. Delete a User
- 34. Footer and static pages
- 35. Optional - Convert axios with native JS Fetch
- 36. Enhance footer, little CSSHTML tricks
- 37. Handle nicely an error message when no users on homepage
- 38. Enhancement, part 1 - Have a loading spinner when retrieving users
- 39. Enhancement, part 2 - Fixing the content loader not showing the error messages
- 40. Usage of the `finally` block in JS and how we can implement it
- 41. Enhance UsersList - Fix Bootstrap Row usage and Refactor into new User component
- 42. Adding unit tests for our backend API
- 43. Enhance test must get all users
- 45. Part 34 - Pushing your code to GitHub