面试 SQL 问题解答
SQL problem solving for interviews
- 1 - Introduction
- 1 -Who this course is for and what to expect
- 2 - SELECT
- 1 -Recyclable and Low Fat Products
- 2 -Find Customer Referee
- 3 -Big Countries
- 4 -Article Views I
- 5 -Invalid Tweets
- 3 - Basic Joins
- 1 -Replace Employee ID With The Unique Identifier
- 2 -Product Sales Analysis I
- 3 -Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions
- 4 -Rising Temperature
- 5 -Average Time of Process per Machine
- 6 -Employee Bonus
- 7 -Students and Examinations
- 8 -Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports
- 9 -Confirmation Rate
- 4 - Basic Aggregate Functions
- 1 -Not Boring Movies
- 2 -Average Selling Price
- 3 -Project Employees
- 4 -Percentage of Users Attended a Contest
- 5 -Queries Quality and Percentage
- 6 -Monthly Transactions
- 7 -Immediate Food Delivery
- 8 -Game Play Analysis
- 5 - Sorting and Grouping
- 1 -Number of Unique Subjects Taught by Each Teacher
- 2 -User Activity for the Past 30 Days I
- 3 -Product Sales Analysis III
- 4 -Classes More Than 5 Students
- 5 -Find Followers Count
- 6 -Biggest Single Number
- 7 -Customers Who Bought All Products
- 6 - Advanced Select and Joins
- 1 -The Number of Employees Which Report to Each Employee
- 2 -Primary Department for Each Employee
- 3 -Triangle Judgement
- 4 -Consecutive Numbers
- 5 -Product Price at a Given Date
- 6 -Last Person to Fit in the Bus
- 7 -Count Salary Categories
- 7 - Subqueries
- 1 -Employees Whose Manager Left the Company
- 2 -Exchange Seats
- 3 -Movie Rating
- 4 -Restaurant Growth
- 5 -Friend Requests II Who Has the Most Friends
- 6 -Investments in 2016
- 7 -Department Top Three Salaries
- 8 - Advanced String Functions Regex Clause
- 1 -Fix Names in a Table
- 2 -Patients With a Condition
- 3 -Delete Duplicate Emails
- 4 -Second Highest Salary
- 5 -Group Sold Products By The Date
- 6 -List the Products Ordered in a Period
- 7 -Find Users With Valid E-Mails
- 9 - Outro
- 1 -Outro