使用Microsoft Copilot简化您的工作
- 0 - Introduction
- 1. Chat as a productivity tool
- 1 - Get Started with Copilot
- 1. Understand how chat AI works
- 2. Access the Copilot chat assistant
- 2 - Chatting with Copilot
- 1. Answer questions with Copilot
- 2. Summarize information with Copilot
- 3. Compose text with Copilot
- 4. Solve problems with Copilot
- 5. Use Copilot to create and analyze images
- 3 - Considerations with Chat AI
- 1. Know where AI data is coming from
- 2. Disclose when using AI
- 4 - Subscription Upgrades for Copilot
- 1. Use Copilot Pro for individual subscribers
- 2. Use Copilot data protections for business and enterprise
- 5 - Conclusion
- 1. Stay up to date with what AI can do for you