使用 PlayMaker 和 Unity 创建有趣的海盗交易游戏
Create a Fun Pirate Trading Game in PlayMaker and Unity
- 1. Chapter 1
- 1. Introduction to the Course
- 2. Introduction
- 1. Creating a Fun Pirate Trading Game in playMaker & Unity - Creating the Project
- 2. Use the Unity Editor to Layout a Strating Interface for our Game
- 3. Creating our First playMaker Finite State Machine (FSM)
- 4. Learn how to Send an Event to a playMaker Finite State Machine (FSM)
- 5. Create the Ability to Travel Between Cities
- 6. Use Prefabs to Create Reusable Game Objects
- 7. Create an FSM for the Products in our Game
- 8. Use a Nested Loop to Create City Product Game Objects
- 9. Finalizing the Design of our City Product Game Objects
- 10. Update the Product Pricing Panel when we Change Cities
- 11. Update the Product Pricing Panel when we Change Cities - Continued
- 12. Begin Setting Up the State Machine for Buying Products
- 13. Buy Products and Update the Ship Hold
- 14. Continue Implementing the Process to Buy Items
- 15. Validating Our Purchase to Make Sure we have Enough Room in the Ship Hold
- 16. Finalizing the Validation of Ship Hold Space Available
- 17. Make Sure we Have the Money to Buy the Products
- 18. Making Sure we Have the Money to Buy the Products - Part 2
- 19. Add the Ability to Sell Products and Update the Ship Hold
- 20. Add the Ability to Sell Products and Update the Ship Hold (Part 2)
- 21. Getting the Money from Selling Products
- 22. Making a Display Message State Machine
- 23. Creating the Pirate Battles
- 24. Improving the Interface and Implementing Ship Damage