AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Fundamentals exam prep
- 1 - Introduction
- 1 -ACCRF Course Introduction
- 2 - Cybersecurity and Risk Management Terms and Concepts
- 1 -Cybersecurity fundamental terms and concepts
- 2 -Risk Management fundamental concepts and terms
- 3 - NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- 1 -NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- 2 -NIST CSF Framework Components
- 3 -Six Functions of the NIST CSF
- 4 -NIST CSF Controls and Outcomes
- 4 - Implementation Tiers, Profiles, and Assessing Risk
- 1 -NIST CSF Implementation Tiers
- 2 -Organization Risk Profile
- 3 -Assessing Organizational Risk
- 5 - Course Conclusion and Next Steps
- 1 -Course conclusion