- 1 - Introduction
- 1 -Introduction
- 2 -Setting up the environment, first look at HTML
- 3 -Concept of HTML, introducing some of the most common elements
- 2 - Cloning your first webpage
- 1 -HTML working with text elements
- 2 -HTML working with images
- 3 -HTML building the contacts section Google map and contact form
- 4 -Understanding HTML tree structure or DOM
- 5 -CSS styling a header
- 6 -CSS styling the main section
- 7 -CSS styling the contacts section
- 3 - Making webpage responsive
- 1 -CSS adding media queries
- 4 - Publishing webpage online
- 1 -Publishing webpage with Netlify
- 2 -Activating contact form submission
- 5 - Creating a HTML jumbotron
- 1 -HTML jumbotron
- 6 - Second cloning project
- 1 -HTML creating the header
- 2 -HTML describing the main content area
- 3 -HTML creating a footer
- 4 -CSS styling the header
- 5 -CSS styling main content
- 6 -CSS building a horizontally scrollable image gallery
- 7 -CSS styling the footer