Python 编程 - 构建人工智能 Instagram 机器人
- 1 - Introduction
- 1 - Overview
- 2 - Course Structure
- 3 - Course Benefits
- 4 - Who is this Course for
- 5 - What you will be Making
- 2 - Setting Up the Enviroment
- 6 - Installing Visual Studio Code
- 7 - Creating your Files
- 8 - Creating your Virtual Enviroment
- 3 - Connecting to Instagram
- 9 - Installing and Importing Instagrapi
- 4 - Using AI to Generate Prompt and Images
- 12 - Installing and Importing the OpenAI Library
- 13 - Creating your OpenAI Account
- 14 - OpenAI Playground and Documentation
- 15 - Creating your AIGenerator Class
- 16 - Generating Prompts with AIGenerator
- 17 - Generating Images with AIGenerator
- 18 - Putting it Together
- 5 - Creating your App
- 19 - Installing Required Libraries
- 21 - Creating the makepost Function
- 22 - Using a While Loop and System Time
- 6 - Conclusion
- 23 - Conclusion