掌握使用 XDebug 进行高级 PHP 调试 - 终极指南
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. How Xdebug Works
- 2. Install and Config Xdebug
- 1. 4-Install Xdebug With Wizard
- 2. Install Xdebug With PECL
- 3. Use Xdebug with PHPStorm
- 1. Step Debugging in PHPStorm using Xdebug Simple PHP Script Demo
- 2. Step Debugging in PHPStorm using Xdebug Symfony Demo Project
- 3. Condition Break Points
- 4. Debug Test Case With Xdebug
- 4. Xdebug Modes
- 1. Develop Mode in Xdebug
- 2. Profile Mode in Xdebug
- 3. Visualise Profile Output using Qcachegrind
- 4. Code Coverage Mode
- 5. Trace Mode
- 6. Use Xdebug Inside Docker Container
- 5. Xdebug With VS Code
- 1. Debug Simple Script in VS Code
- 2. Debug Symfony Project In VS Code
- 6. Xdebug Use Cases Extra Section
- 1. How To Debug API Through Postman using VSCode UseCase
- 2. How to Debug PHP Cli Scripts Via VSCode
- 3. How to Debug Symfony Console Commands PHPStorm Use Case
- 4. How to Debug Symfony Console Commands VSCode Use Case
- 5. How To Remote Debugging Using Xdebug with VSCode Use Case