实用异步 Java
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Getting Started!
- 2. General Concepts around Asynchronous Programming
- 1. What actually means Asynchronous
- 2. What is the main difference between Parallel and Asynchronous
- 3. The tradeoffs of Asynchronous Programming
- 3. Asynchronous Programming in Java with CompletableFuture
- 1. Introducing the CompletableFuture API
- 2. The limitations of Futures
- 3. Using the async methods to execute tasks
- 4. Dealing with exceptions in CompletableFutures
- 5. Combining multiple stages for complex scenarios
- 6. [PROJECT][Part 1] - Building an asynchronous stock trading bot (overview)
- 7. [PROJECT][Part 2] - Building an asynchronous stock trading bot (the BrokerAPI)
- 8. [PROJECT][Part 3] - Building an asynchronous stock trading bot (the final code)
- 4. Building an Asynchronous REST API with SpringBoot
- 1. Exploring the blocking SpringBoot Application
- 2. Understanding how Async annotation works in SpringBoot
- 3. Changing the underlying Thread-Pool for async methods
- 4. [PROJECT] - Building an End-To-End Asynchronous SpringBoot app - Part 1
- 5. [PROJECT] - Building an End-To-End Asynchronous SpringBoot app - Part 2
- 6. [PROJECT] - Building an End-To-End Asynchronous SpringBoot app - Part 3
- 5. Fetching data from a database asynchronously
- 1. How can we query data from MySQL asynchronously
- 2. Querying Redis asynchronously with Lettuce
- 3. [EXERCISE] - How do we query data from MongoDB asynchronously
- 6. Monitoring ThreadPools in Asynchronous applications
- 1. Why do you need to monitor ThreadPools
- 2. Setting up a Docker-based monitoring stack with Prometheus & Grafana
- 3. Expose metrics for a ThreadPool from a Spring-Boot application