使用 RestAssured、Java、TestNG 和 Cucumber 进行 API 自动化
- 1. Let's start
- 1. Introduction
- 2. REST And Basic Api understanding
- 3. High level Api design flow
- 2. Api automation - Essential tools and theory
- 1. Approach while automating an Api
- 2. Prepare your test data - Part 1
- 3. Prepare your test data - Part 2
- 4. Test isolation and loosely coupled tests
- 3. TestNG essentials
- 1. TestNG Annotations - Part 1
- 2. TestNG Annotations - Part 2
- 3. TestNG Parameters
- 4. Dataproviders
- 4. Cucumber essentials
- 1. Gherkins Keywords
- 2. Step definitions and Tags
- 3. Cucumber hooks
- 4. Cucumber runner and Cucumber Options
- 5. Datatables and Examples
- 5. RestAssured - End to End API testing
- 1. Introduction
- 2. RequestSpecification and ResponseSpecification classes
- 3. Making HTTP GET calls with RestAssured
- 4. RestAssured's inbuilt logging features
- 5. Assertions, Validations and Jsonpath
- 6. Use Inbuilt Json schema validation
- 7. Method chaining and inline validations
- 8. Save response in Java object - Deserialisation with RestAssured
- 9. Making HTTP POST calls and Serialisation - Part 1
- 10. Making HTTP POST calls and Serialisation - Part 2
- 11. Auth headers and HTTP PUT Calls - Part 1
- 12. Auth headers and HTTP PUT Calls - Part 2
- 13. Making HTTP DELETE calls with RestAssured
- 6. Sample Project Framework
- 1. Advanced Property Util with OWNER Library
- 2. Generic HTTP RestAssured Client - Part 1
- 3. Generic HTTP RestAssured Client - Part 2
- 4. Separate TestNG and Api classes - Introduction
- 5. Separate TestNG and Api classes - Part 2
- 6. Separate TestNG and Api classes - Part 3
- 7. DataProviders and DataTables for test data - Part 1
- 8. DataProviders and DataTables for test data - Part 2
- 9. Complete CRUD Operation with TestNG - Part 1
- 10. Complete CRUD Operation with TestNG - Part 2
- 11. Cucumber using Dependency injection - Introduction
- 12. CRUD operation with Cucumber using Dependency injection - Part 2
- 13. CRUD operation with Cucumber using Dependency injection - Part 3
- 14. CRUD operation with Cucumber using Dependency injection - Part 4
- 15. More about JsonPath and Hamcrest assertions
- 16. Final refactoring for Auth Api
- 17. Running tests with Maven commands
- 18. Execution reports with Cucumber, TestNG and Allure
- 7. Summary
- 1. What you have learnt - progress check