Android Jetpack 在 Kotlin 中与 Retrofit Room Hilt 进行组合
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Project introduction
- 2. Project architecture
- 3. Android Studio setup
- 2. Basic Compose
- 1. How to use Jetpack Compose
- 2. Create basic compose item
- 3. Create a basic list
- 3. Compose Navigation
- 1. How to use navigation compose
- 2. Create a second screen
- 4. Display a compose list based on a network request
- 1. How to use Retrofit
- 2. How to use Hilt
- 3. Use Retrofit to get data from a remote server
- 4. Display the list in a compose list
- 5. Create a list with image
- 1. Add a third screen in the navigation
- 2. Create the network request
- 3. Display the list from the network
- 4. How to use coil
- 5. Use Coil to display the image
- 6. Create a bottom navigation
- 1. How to create a bottom navigation
- 2. Create a bottom nav component
- 7. Save data in the application
- 1. How to use Room
- 2. Create a database and add data
- 3. Display data from the database
- 8. Material3 Update colors and fonts
- 2. Update colors
- 3. Update fonts
- 9. Unit test
- 1. Manifest Convertor Unit Test
- 2. Manifest ViewModel Test with mockk and MainCoroutineRule
- 3. Manifest Repo Test
- 4. Photo List ViewModel Test
- 5. Photo Repo Test