使用 Python 和 PyTorch 进行现代计算机视觉和深度学习
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Course
- 2. What is Computer Vision & its Applications
- 1. Introduction to Computer Vision and its Real-world Applications
- 2. Major Computer Vision Tasks
- 3. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Computer Vision
- 1. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
- 4. Setting-up Google Colab for Writing Python Code
- 1. Introduction to Google Colab for Python Coding
- 2. Connect Google Colab with Google Drive
- 5. Image Classification Task of Computer Vision
- 1. Introduction to Single and Multi-label Image Classification
- 6. Pretrained Models for Single and Multi-Label Image Classification
- 1. Introduction to Pretrained Models
- 2. Deep Learning ResNet and AlexNet Architectures
- 3. Access Data from Google Drive to Colab
- 4. Data Preprocessing for Image Classification
- 5. Single-Label Image Classification using ResNet and AlexNet PreTrained Models
- 7. Multi-Label Image Classification using Deep Learning Models
- 7. Transfer Learning for Image Classification
- 1. Introduction to Transfer Learning
- 2. Dataset, Data Augmentation, and Dataloaders
- 4. FineTuning Deep ResNet Model
- 5. HyperParameteres Optimization for Model
- 6. Training Deep ResNet Model
- 7. Fixed Feature Extractraction using ResNet
- 8. Model Optimization, Training and Results Visualization
- 8. Semantic Segmentation Task Of Computer Vision
- 1. Introduction to Semantic Image Segmentation
- 2. Semantic Segmentation Real-World Applications
- 9. Deep Learning Architectures For Segmentation (UNet, PSPNet, PAN)
- 1. Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet) For Segmentation
- 2. UNet Architecture For Segmentation
- 3. Pyramid Attention Network (PAN)
- 4. Multi-Task Contextual Network (MTCNet)
- 10. Segmentation Datasets, Annotations, Data Augmentation & Data Loading
- 1. Datasets for Semantic Segmentation
- 2. Data Annotations Tool for Semantic Segmentation
- 3. Data Loading with PyTorch Customized Dataset Class
- 5. Data Augmentation using Albumentations with Different Transformations
- 7. Learn To Implement Data Loaders In Pytorch
- 11. Performance Metrics (IOU) For Segmentation Models Evaluation
- 1. Performance Metrics (IOU, Pixel Accuracy, Precision, Recall, Fscore)
- 12. Encoders and Decoders For Segmentation In PyTorch
- 1. Transfer Learning And Pretrained Deep Resnet Architecture
- 2. Encoders for Segmentation with PyTorch Liberary
- 3. Decoders for Segmentation in PyTorch Liberary
- 13. Implementation, Optimization and Training Of Segmentation Models
- 1. Implement Segmentation Models (UNet, PSPNet, DeepLab, PAN, and UNet++)
- 3. Learn To Optimize Hyperparameters For Segmentation Models
- 5. Training of Segmentation Models
- 14. Test Models and Visualize Segmentation Results
- 1. Test Models and Calculate IOU,Pixel Accuracy,Fscore
- 3. Visualize Segmentation Results and Generate RGB Segmented Map
- 15. Complete Code and Dataset for Semantic Segmentation
- 1. Final Code Review
- 16. Object Detection Task Of Computer Vision
- 1. Object Detection and its Applications
- 17. Deep Learning Architectures for Object Detection (R-CNN Family)
- 1. Deep Convolutional Neural Network (VGG, ResNet, GoogleNet)
- 2. RCNN Deep Learning Architectures for Object Detection
- 3. Fast RCNN Deep Learning Architectures for Object Detection
- 4. Faster RCNN Deep Learning Architectures for Object Detection
- 18. Detectron2 for Ojbect Detection
- 1. Detectron2 for Ojbect Detection with PyTorch
- 2. Perform Object Detection using Detectron2 Pretrained Models
- 19. Training, Evaluating and Visualizing Object Detection on Custom Dataset
- 1. Custom Dataset for Object Detection
- 3. Train, Evaluate Object Detection Models & Visualizing Results on Custom Dataset
- 21. Instance Segmentation Task of Computer Vision
- 1. What is Instance Segmentation
- 22. Mask RCNN for Instance Segmentation
- 1. Mask RCNN for Instance Segmentation
- 23. Training, Evaluating and Visualizing Instance Segmentation on Custom Dataset
- 1. Train, Evaluate Instance Segmentation Model & Visualizing Results on Custom Data