从零到英雄 - 使用 ChatGPT 学习 2023 年的 Web 开发
- 1. Intro
- 1. Meet your tutor
- 2. Preview the app you'll build and the skills you'll learn
- 3. About OpenAI, ChatGPT and DALL-E
- 4. Introduction to Web Development Programming
- 2. Setup
- 1. Install Visual Studio Code and create an OpenAI account
- 2. Understand the OpenAI API
- 3. Understaning how ChatGPT works
- 3. HTML and CSS
- 1. Introduction to HTML
- 2. Introduction to CSS
- 3. Learning HTML and CSS with ChatGPT
- 4. Project file structure
- 5. Creating the main page
- 4. JavaScript
- 1. Introduction to JavaScript Part 1
- 2. Introduction to JavaScript Part 2
- 3. Learning JavaScript with ChatGPT
- 5. ChatGPT
- 1. Capturing user input
- 2. Create a prompt and make request to ChatGPT API
- 3. Extract titles and handle prompt response
- 6. DALL-E
- 1. Learn about DALL-E's image generation capabilities
- 2. Request images from DALL-E
- 3. Display the images and ChatGPT-generated titles in the UI
- 7. React
- 1. Introduction to React
- 2. Getting started with React
- 3. Rewrite app with React and ChatGPT
- 4. Best practices Structuring a React app
- 5. RegisterLogin pages
- 6. Adding navigation with React router
- 7. Styling and enhancing our React App
- 8. Firebase
- 1. Introduction to Firebase
- 2. Setting up Firebase Authentication
- 3. Handling logged in user with React Context
- 4. Setting up & saving titles and images to Firestore Database
- 5. Displaying images on the home feed from Firestore
- 6. Adjusting and preparing our app to be deployed
- 7. Deploy React App on Firebase Hosting
- 9. Bonus
- 1. Making your app mobile friendly
- 2. Source control & Github
- 10. Welcome To Your New Self
- 1. Recap what you've learned and how you've built your app
- 2. Discover next steps for further learning and practice with OpenAI
- 3. Goodbye and welcome to your new life