工作场所中随处可见的 Python!
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installing the software
- 1. Installing Python
- 3. Interacting with data from external sources
- 1. Read an .xlsx file
- 2. How to skip reading some rows when reading an excel file
- 3. How to read a specific sheet from an excel file into a dataframe
- 4. How to set the index of a dataframe while reading it from the excel file
- 5. How to read specific columns from an excel file into a dataframe (usecols)
- 6. How to read data from World Bank's online database
- 7. How to send many dataframes into the same excel file (xlsx) in different sheets
- 8. Sending a dataframe to a csv file
- 9. How to hide warnings that Python produces. And how to trigger manually warnings
- 10. How to read only some rows from the topbottom of a dataframe(nrows, skipfooter)
- 11. How to check if an Excel cell is empty
- 12. How to see the version of the packages we have installed