使用 OpenAI 掌握 NextJS - 构建现代 Web 应用程序
- 1. Getting Started
- 1. Course Introduction
- 3. What we will Build in this Course
- 4. Who is this Course for
- 2. Setup Development Environment
- 1. Installing NodeJS
- 3. Installing Visual Studio Code
- 3. Realtime Group Chat Application
- 1. Creating a New NextJS Project
- 2. Setting Up Project Structure
- 3. Installing Bootstrap in NextJS
- 4. Installing Socket.io for WebSocket
- 5. Setting Up Server
- 6. Setting Up Client
- 7. Creating a User To Join Room
- 8. Building Chat UI Components
- 9. Creating a Chat Room
- 11. Sending Messages In Room
- 12. Cleaning up Socket.io & UI Enhancement
- 4. AI based Chatbot in ReactJS
- 1. Creating a New ReactJS Project
- 2. Getting OpenAI API Key
- 4. Implementing Chatbot UI
- 5. Setting Up API for Chatbot request
- 5. Twitter Next Tweet Generator
- 1. Axios Introduction and Installation
- 2. UI Implementation for Tweet Generator
- 3. Using AI to Generate Next Tweet
- 6. Generate Image Based on Instructions using AI
- 1. UI Implementation for Command and Image
- 2. API Implementation for Image Generator
- 7. Building a Portfolio Website
- 2. Implementing Portfolio Website in NextJS
- 3. Optimizing Performance of Our NextJS Application
- 8. Deploying NextJS Applciation
- 1. Publishing Code on GitHub for CDCI
- 2. Deploying Website to Live