使用 ChatGPT 掌握 Python
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Course Introduction and Key Learning Outcomes
- 2. ChatGPT Introduction
- 3. ChatGPT Practical
- 2. Python
- 1. Data Types and Variables
- 2. User Input
- 3. Lists
- 4. Conditional Statements
- 5. Loops
- 3. Numpy
- 1. Introduction and Installation
- 2. Create a Numpy Array
- 3. Shape and Reshape
- 4. Indexing
- 5. Iterating
- 6. Slicing
- 7. Searching and Sorting
- 4. Pandas
- 1. Pandas Introduction and Installation
- 2. Series
- 3. DataFrame
- 4. Read_CSV
- 5. Analyze Pandas DataFrames
- 5. Data Visualization
- 1. Introduction to Matplotlib
- 2. Type of Plots in Matplotlib
- 3. Seaborn
- 6. Data Preprocessing
- 1. Handling Missing Values
- 2. Feature Encoding
- 3. Feature Scaling
- 7. Machine Learning
- 1. Introduction to Machine Learning
- 2. Supervised Machine Learning
- 3. Unsupervised Machine Learning
- 4. Train Test Split
- 5. Regression Analysis
- 6. Linear Regression
- 7. Logistic Regression
- 8. KNN
- 9. SVM
- 10. Decision Tree
- 11. Random Forest
- 12. K Means Clustering
- 13. Grid Search CV
- 14. Machine Learning Pipeline
- 8. Projects
- 1. Car Price Prediction
- 2. Customer Segmentation
- 3. Wine Quality Prediction