Houdini中KineFX Rig核心技术训练视频教程
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Rig Introduction
- 2. Converting The Rig To A HDA
- 1. Creating The HDA
- 2. File Import Node
- 3. Output Nodes
- 4. Transforms
- 5. Parameters
- 6. Export
- 7. Rig Distribution Methods Folders
- 8. Rig Distribution Methods Houdini Packages
- 9. Rig Distribution Methods Package Installers
- 3. Aditional Features
- 1. Additional Features
- 2. Zero Pose
- 2.1 Packaging 011 Zero Pose
- 3. Keyframe Parameters
- 4. Default Pose
- 5. Set The Default Pose
- 6. Bug Fixes
- 7. Mirror
- 8. Channel Groups
- 9. Pyhton Pannel
- 10. Python Pannel Interface
- 11. Python Pannel Zero Pose Button
- 12. Python Pannel Connecting The Buttons
- 13. Python Pannel Tabs
- 4. Pose Library
- 1. Setup
- 2. Scan
- 3. Save
- 4. Load
- 5. Python Pannel
- 6. Pose Buttons
- 7. Scan Settings
- 8. Python Panel Save
- 9. Save Icon Image
- 10. Button Icons
- 11. Corrections
- 5. Character Picker
- 1. (UPDATE) The Charatcer Picker H20.5 297
- 2. Character Picker
- 3. The Default Character Picker
- 4. The Custom Character Picker Setup
- 5. The Custom Character Picker UI
- 6. The Custom Character Picker Logic
- 6. TPose
- 1. TPose
- 2. TPose Script
- 3. Python Panel TPose Script
- 7. Corrections And Bug Fixes
- 1. Bug Fixes 000