Langchain Legends - 使用 Javascript 构建传奇 AI 应用程序
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Course Foundation Langchain, OpenAI & Pinecone with Javascript
- 2. Skills You're Building
- 3. Course Resources & Materials
- 5. Frontend Setup
- 6. Backend Setup
- 2. Understanding Langchain
- 2. Langchain Understanding Chat Message
- 3. Langchain Understanding Documents
- 4. Langchain Understanding Language Models
- 5. Langchain Understanding Chat Models
- 6. Langchain Understanding Text Embeddings
- 7. Langchain Understanding Prompts
- 8. Langchain Understanding Prompt Templates
- 9. Langchain Understanding Document Loaders
- 10. Langchain Understanding Text Splitters
- 11. Langchain Understanding Sequential Chains
- 12. Langchain Understanding Summary Chains
- 13. Langchain Understanding Agents
- 3. Chatbot Project Building Frontend
- 1. Setup Initial Page
- 2. Setup Breakpoints (Responsive UIs)
- 3. Building Home Page
- 4. Building Chatbot Business Logic
- 5. Building Auto-Scroll
- 6. Building Frontend UI
- 7. Building Chat Input
- 8. Building Input Logic
- 9. Building AI Response UI
- 10. Building User Chat UI
- 4. Chatbot Project Building Backend
- 1. Setup Express Server + Backend Boilerplate
- 2. Building Completion Endpoint
- 3. Update UI Styling when Streaming from Backend
- 4. Update Code Rendering
- 5. Setup Pinecone VectorDB and Upsert Data
- 6. Building VectorDB Search Functions
- 7. Building RAG Functions
- 8. Deploy Frontend & Backend to Github & Server