使用 Python 掌握 Arduino Control
课程售价: 2.9 元
1 - Introduction
2 - Python Basics
- 1 - 1. Installing Python (免费)
- 2 - 2. Installing VS Code
- 3 - 3. Math and Order of Operations
- 4 - 4. Data Types in Python
- 5 - 5. Creating Variables
- 6 - 6. Strings and String Operations
- 7 - 7. Booleans and Comparison Operators
- 8 - 8. If Statement
- 9 - 9. in Operator
- 10 - 10. Formatted String
- 11 - 11. Special Characters and Data Type Conversion
- 12 - 12. User Input
- 13 - 13. Creating Lists
- 14 - 14. Lists Methods and Operations
- 15 - 15. Lists Slicing and Copying
- 16 - 16. Check the Existence of Certain Value in a List
- 17 - 17. Foor Loop
- 18 - 18. Tuples
- 19 - 19. Creating Dictionary
- 20 - 20. Looping a Dictionary
- 21 - 21. While Loop
- 22 - 22. Creating Functions
- 23 - 23. Function Parameters
- 24 - 24. Function Return Value
- 25 - 25. Exceptions
- 26 - 26. Files
- 27 - 27. Imports
- 28 - 28. Installing 3rd Party Libraries
3个章节 , 33个讲座
1 - Introduction
2 - Python Basics
- 1 - 1. Installing Python (免费)
- 2 - 2. Installing VS Code
- 3 - 3. Math and Order of Operations
- 4 - 4. Data Types in Python
- 5 - 5. Creating Variables
- 6 - 6. Strings and String Operations
- 7 - 7. Booleans and Comparison Operators
- 8 - 8. If Statement
- 9 - 9. in Operator
- 10 - 10. Formatted String
- 11 - 11. Special Characters and Data Type Conversion
- 12 - 12. User Input
- 13 - 13. Creating Lists
- 14 - 14. Lists Methods and Operations
- 15 - 15. Lists Slicing and Copying
- 16 - 16. Check the Existence of Certain Value in a List
- 17 - 17. Foor Loop
- 18 - 18. Tuples
- 19 - 19. Creating Dictionary
- 20 - 20. Looping a Dictionary
- 21 - 21. While Loop
- 22 - 22. Creating Functions
- 23 - 23. Function Parameters
- 24 - 24. Function Return Value
- 25 - 25. Exceptions
- 26 - 26. Files
- 27 - 27. Imports
- 28 - 28. Installing 3rd Party Libraries