20 个基本针灸穴位综合课程
课程售价: 2.9 元
1 - Acupuncture points refined through over 30 years of clinical experience
2 - Miracle 20 special acupuncture points
- 1 -GB-20 风池穴 (Fengchi) Base of the skull. Relieves migraines and neck stiffness (免费)
- 2 -LV-3 太冲穴 (Tai chong) Top of the foot. Reduces stress and eye strain
- 3 -SP-6 三阴交穴 (San yin jiao) Inner lower leg. Helps with sleep and stress
- 4 -ST-36 足三里穴 (Zusanli) Below the knee. Boosts immunity and energy
- 5 -LI-4 (Hegu) 合谷穴 ; Between thumb and index finger. Relieves headaches and stress
- 6 -DU-20 百会穴 (Baihui) Top of the head. Improves focus and reduces stress
- 7 -LI-11 曲池穴 (Qu chi) Outer elbow. Treats fever and skin issues
- 8 -HT-7 神门穴 (Shen men) Wrist crease. Calms the mind and improves sleep
- 9 -BL-40 委中穴 (Wei zhong) Back of the knee. Eases lower back pain
- 10 -ST-44 内庭穴 (Nei ting) Between second and third toes. Relieves stomach pain
- 11 -KD-1 涌泉穴 (Yong quan) Sole of the foot. Grounds energy and reduces anxiety
- 12 -LU-9 太渊穴 (Taiyuan) Wrist crease. Strengthens lungs and breathing
- 13 -GB-34 阳陵泉穴 (Yang ling quan) Below the knee. Relieves joint and muscle pain
- 14 -SI-3 后溪穴 (Hou xi) Side of the hand. Improves neck and spine health
- 15 -CV-12 中脘穴 (Zhong wan) Mid-abdomen. Aids digestion and reduces bloating
- 16 -BL-23 肾腧穴 (Shen shu) Lower back. Strengthens kidneys and back
- 17 -PC-6 内关穴 (Nei guan) Inner forearm. Eases nausea and anxiety
- 18 -SJ-5 外关穴 (Wai guan) Outer forearm. Relieves headaches and wrist pain
- 19 -印堂穴 Yin Tang Between the eyebrows. Reduces stress and sinus issues
- 20 -LU-1 中府穴(Zhong fu) Below the collarbone. Improves breathing and coughs
3 - A Brief History of Acupuncture
4 - Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture
4个章节 , 28个讲座
1 - Acupuncture points refined through over 30 years of clinical experience
2 - Miracle 20 special acupuncture points
- 1 -GB-20 风池穴 (Fengchi) Base of the skull. Relieves migraines and neck stiffness (免费)
- 2 -LV-3 太冲穴 (Tai chong) Top of the foot. Reduces stress and eye strain
- 3 -SP-6 三阴交穴 (San yin jiao) Inner lower leg. Helps with sleep and stress
- 4 -ST-36 足三里穴 (Zusanli) Below the knee. Boosts immunity and energy
- 5 -LI-4 (Hegu) 合谷穴 ; Between thumb and index finger. Relieves headaches and stress
- 6 -DU-20 百会穴 (Baihui) Top of the head. Improves focus and reduces stress
- 7 -LI-11 曲池穴 (Qu chi) Outer elbow. Treats fever and skin issues
- 8 -HT-7 神门穴 (Shen men) Wrist crease. Calms the mind and improves sleep
- 9 -BL-40 委中穴 (Wei zhong) Back of the knee. Eases lower back pain
- 10 -ST-44 内庭穴 (Nei ting) Between second and third toes. Relieves stomach pain
- 11 -KD-1 涌泉穴 (Yong quan) Sole of the foot. Grounds energy and reduces anxiety
- 12 -LU-9 太渊穴 (Taiyuan) Wrist crease. Strengthens lungs and breathing
- 13 -GB-34 阳陵泉穴 (Yang ling quan) Below the knee. Relieves joint and muscle pain
- 14 -SI-3 后溪穴 (Hou xi) Side of the hand. Improves neck and spine health
- 15 -CV-12 中脘穴 (Zhong wan) Mid-abdomen. Aids digestion and reduces bloating
- 16 -BL-23 肾腧穴 (Shen shu) Lower back. Strengthens kidneys and back
- 17 -PC-6 内关穴 (Nei guan) Inner forearm. Eases nausea and anxiety
- 18 -SJ-5 外关穴 (Wai guan) Outer forearm. Relieves headaches and wrist pain
- 19 -印堂穴 Yin Tang Between the eyebrows. Reduces stress and sinus issues
- 20 -LU-1 中府穴(Zhong fu) Below the collarbone. Improves breathing and coughs