JavaScript - 理解奇怪的部分
课程售价: 2.9 元
01 - Getting Started
02 - Execution Contexts and Lexical Environments
- 001 Conceptual Aside Syntax Parsers, Execution Contexts, and Lexical Environments
- 002 Conceptual Aside NameValue Pairs and Objects
- 004 The Global Environment and The Global Object
- 005 The Execution Context - Creation and Hoisting
- 006 Conceptual Aside Javascript and 'undefined'
- 007 The Execution Context - Code Execution
- 008 Conceptual Aside Single Threaded, Synchronous Execution
- 009 Function Invocation and the Execution Stack
- 010 Functions, Context, and Variable Environments
- 011 The Scope Chain
- 012 Scope, ES6, and let
- 013 What About Asynchronous Callbacks
03 - Types and Operators
04 - Objects and Functions
- 001 Objects and the Dot
- 002 Objects and Object Literals
- 003 Framework Aside Faking Namespaces
- 004 JSON and Object Literals
- 005 Functions are Objects
- 006 Function Statements and Function Expressions
- 007 Conceptual Aside By Value vs By Reference
- 008 Objects, Functions, and 'this'
- 009 Conceptual Aside Arrays - Collections of Anything
- 010 'arguments' and spread
- 011 Framework Aside Function Overloading
- 012 Conceptual Aside Syntax Parsers
- 013 Dangerous Aside Automatic Semicolon Insertion
- 014 Framework Aside Whitespace
- 015 Immediately Invoked Functions Expressions (IIFEs)
- 016 Framework Aside IIFEs and Safe Code
- 017 Understanding Closures
- 018 Understanding Closures - Part 2
- 019 Framework Aside Function Factories
- 020 Closures and Callbacks
- 021 call(), apply(), and bind()
- 022 Functional Programming
- 023 Functional Programming - Part 2
05 - Object-Oriented Javascript and Prototypal Inheritance
06 - Building Objects
- 001 Function Constructors, 'new', and the History of Javascript
- 002 Function Constructors and '.prototype'
- 003 Dangerous Aside 'new' and functions
- 004 Conceptual Aside Built-In Function Constructors
- 005 Dangerous Aside Built-In Function Constructors
- 006 Dangerous Aside Arrays and
- 007 Object.create and Pure Prototypal Inheritance
- 008 ES6 and Classes
07 - Odds and Ends
08 - Examining Famous Frameworks and Libraries
09 - Let's Build a Framework Library!
10 - EXTRA TypeScript, ES6, and Transpiled Languages
11 - EXTRA Getting Ready for ECMAScript 6
12 - EXTRA ES6 In-Depth
13 - Conclusion
13个章节 , 79个讲座
01 - Getting Started
02 - Execution Contexts and Lexical Environments
- 001 Conceptual Aside Syntax Parsers, Execution Contexts, and Lexical Environments
- 002 Conceptual Aside NameValue Pairs and Objects
- 004 The Global Environment and The Global Object
- 005 The Execution Context - Creation and Hoisting
- 006 Conceptual Aside Javascript and 'undefined'
- 007 The Execution Context - Code Execution
- 008 Conceptual Aside Single Threaded, Synchronous Execution
- 009 Function Invocation and the Execution Stack
- 010 Functions, Context, and Variable Environments
- 011 The Scope Chain
- 012 Scope, ES6, and let
- 013 What About Asynchronous Callbacks
03 - Types and Operators
04 - Objects and Functions
- 001 Objects and the Dot
- 002 Objects and Object Literals
- 003 Framework Aside Faking Namespaces
- 004 JSON and Object Literals
- 005 Functions are Objects
- 006 Function Statements and Function Expressions
- 007 Conceptual Aside By Value vs By Reference
- 008 Objects, Functions, and 'this'
- 009 Conceptual Aside Arrays - Collections of Anything
- 010 'arguments' and spread
- 011 Framework Aside Function Overloading
- 012 Conceptual Aside Syntax Parsers
- 013 Dangerous Aside Automatic Semicolon Insertion
- 014 Framework Aside Whitespace
- 015 Immediately Invoked Functions Expressions (IIFEs)
- 016 Framework Aside IIFEs and Safe Code
- 017 Understanding Closures
- 018 Understanding Closures - Part 2
- 019 Framework Aside Function Factories
- 020 Closures and Callbacks
- 021 call(), apply(), and bind()
- 022 Functional Programming
- 023 Functional Programming - Part 2
05 - Object-Oriented Javascript and Prototypal Inheritance
06 - Building Objects
- 001 Function Constructors, 'new', and the History of Javascript
- 002 Function Constructors and '.prototype'
- 003 Dangerous Aside 'new' and functions
- 004 Conceptual Aside Built-In Function Constructors
- 005 Dangerous Aside Built-In Function Constructors
- 006 Dangerous Aside Arrays and
- 007 Object.create and Pure Prototypal Inheritance
- 008 ES6 and Classes