面向对象编程 (OOP) - 学习更快地编写代码
课程售价: 2.9 元
1. Module 1 Introduction to OOP
2. Module 2 Classes and Objects in action
- 1. What is a class
- 2. What are Instances
- 3. What are Attributes
- 4. What is Constructor
- 5. Methods in Python
- 6. Multiple objects overview
- 7. Getting started with classes - Main Snake
- 8. Inserting Class attributes within the SnakeTemp
- 9. Method and modify properties for Snake
- 10. Apply Full Snake Template example
- 11. Addional Example - PersonTemp class
- 12. PersonTemp many instances different info
- 13. Complete PersonTemp class methods
3. Module 3 Using Inheritance in action
4. Module 4 Encapsulation, Getters, Setters, and Access Modifiers in action
5. Module 5 Polymorphism for different ways in action
6. Module 6 Data Abstraction in action
6个章节 , 39个讲座
1. Module 1 Introduction to OOP
2. Module 2 Classes and Objects in action
- 1. What is a class
- 2. What are Instances
- 3. What are Attributes
- 4. What is Constructor
- 5. Methods in Python
- 6. Multiple objects overview
- 7. Getting started with classes - Main Snake
- 8. Inserting Class attributes within the SnakeTemp
- 9. Method and modify properties for Snake
- 10. Apply Full Snake Template example
- 11. Addional Example - PersonTemp class
- 12. PersonTemp many instances different info
- 13. Complete PersonTemp class methods