使用 Combine 框架在 iOS 中进行反应式编程
课程售价: 2.9 元
- 1 - Introduction (免费)
- 2 - Prerequisites (免费)
- 3 - Exercise Files
- 4 - What is Reactive programming
- 5 - Overview of Combine Framework
- 6 - Key concepts Publishers Subscribers Operators and Subjects
- 7 - Creating and working with Publishers
- 8 - Subscribing to Publishers
- 10 - Error handling and completion
- 11 - Transformation operators map flatMap merge etc
- 12 - Filtering operators filter compactMap debounce etc
- 13 - Combining operators combineLatest zip switchToLatest etc
- 14 - Error handling operators catch replaceError retry etc
- 15 - Understanding Subjects in Combine PassthroughSubject and CurrentValueSubject
- 16 - Creating custom Subjects
- 17 - WeatherClient Using Subjects
- 18 - Making network requests with Combine
- 19 - Error handling and retries
- 20 - Combining multiple network requests
- 21 - Registering for OMDB API
- 22 - Tour of the starter project
- 23 - Implementing Movie Model
- 24 - Implementing HTTPClient
- 25 - Implementing MovieListViewModel
- 26 - Integrating MovieListViewModel with MoviesViewController
- 27 - Setting up search publisher
- 28 - Tour of the starter project
- 29 - Building the User Interface and passing httpClient as dependency
- 30 - Setting up publisher and loading movies
- 31 - Custom operators
- 32 - Custom operators with parameters
- 33 - Combining operators
- 34 - Debugging Combine code
- 35 - Testing Combine code
- 36 - Testing Combine code HTTPClient
- 1 - Introduction (免费)
- 2 - Prerequisites (免费)
- 3 - Exercise Files
- 4 - What is Reactive programming
- 5 - Overview of Combine Framework
- 6 - Key concepts Publishers Subscribers Operators and Subjects
- 7 - Creating and working with Publishers
- 8 - Subscribing to Publishers
- 10 - Error handling and completion
- 11 - Transformation operators map flatMap merge etc
- 12 - Filtering operators filter compactMap debounce etc
- 13 - Combining operators combineLatest zip switchToLatest etc
- 14 - Error handling operators catch replaceError retry etc
- 15 - Understanding Subjects in Combine PassthroughSubject and CurrentValueSubject
- 16 - Creating custom Subjects
- 17 - WeatherClient Using Subjects
- 18 - Making network requests with Combine
- 19 - Error handling and retries
- 20 - Combining multiple network requests
- 21 - Registering for OMDB API
- 22 - Tour of the starter project
- 23 - Implementing Movie Model
- 24 - Implementing HTTPClient
- 25 - Implementing MovieListViewModel
- 26 - Integrating MovieListViewModel with MoviesViewController
- 27 - Setting up search publisher
- 28 - Tour of the starter project
- 29 - Building the User Interface and passing httpClient as dependency
- 30 - Setting up publisher and loading movies
- 31 - Custom operators
- 32 - Custom operators with parameters
- 33 - Combining operators
- 34 - Debugging Combine code
- 35 - Testing Combine code
- 36 - Testing Combine code HTTPClient