使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 构建 5 个响应式网站
课程售价: 2.9 元
1. Introduction
2. Project 1 - Furniture Website
3. Project 2 - Personal Portfolio Website
4. Project 3 - Architecture Website
- 1. Project Preview
- 2. Create and Style the Navigation - Part 1
- 3. Create and Style the Navigation - Part 2
- 4. Create and Style the Header of the Website
- 5. Build About Section
- 6. Create and Customize Projects Section
- 7. Create and Style Customers Section
- 8. Build Contact Section
- 9. Create and Customize the Footer of the Website
- 10. Make the Project Responsive
5. Project 4 - Interior Designer Website
6. Project 5 - Coffee House Website
6个章节 , 31个讲座
1. Introduction
2. Project 1 - Furniture Website
3. Project 2 - Personal Portfolio Website
4. Project 3 - Architecture Website
- 1. Project Preview
- 2. Create and Style the Navigation - Part 1
- 3. Create and Style the Navigation - Part 2
- 4. Create and Style the Header of the Website
- 5. Build About Section
- 6. Create and Customize Projects Section
- 7. Create and Style Customers Section
- 8. Build Contact Section
- 9. Create and Customize the Footer of the Website
- 10. Make the Project Responsive