Blender 4.2建筑工程与3D打印精准建模视频教程
课程售价: 2.9 元
1 - Blender 入门
2 - 创建对象和变换
3 - 单位和数字输入
4 - 精确建模的挤压模式
- 1 -Edit Mode for Precise Modeling
- 2 -Measuring Distances and Areas
- 3 -Types of Extrudes for Technical Modeling
- 4 -Selecting Occluded Parts of a Model
- 5 -Creating like a CAD tool with Extra Objects
- 6 -Aliging the 3D Cursor with the Snap
- 7 -Mesh Operations (JOIN and SEPARATE)
- 8 -Round Shapes for Mesh Objects
- 9 -Canceling and Undo Extrudes
5 - 类似 CAD 的建模工具
6 - 使用 PDT 进行精确变换
7 - 绘制平面图
8 - 从 CAD 文件建模
9 - 建筑从 2D 到 3D
10 - 外部区域建模
11 - 使用曲线进行精确建模
12 - 机器零件建模
13 - 使用 PDT 创建机械模型
14个章节 , 77个讲座
1 - Blender 入门
2 - 创建对象和变换
3 - 单位和数字输入
4 - 精确建模的挤压模式
- 1 -Edit Mode for Precise Modeling
- 2 -Measuring Distances and Areas
- 3 -Types of Extrudes for Technical Modeling
- 4 -Selecting Occluded Parts of a Model
- 5 -Creating like a CAD tool with Extra Objects
- 6 -Aliging the 3D Cursor with the Snap
- 7 -Mesh Operations (JOIN and SEPARATE)
- 8 -Round Shapes for Mesh Objects
- 9 -Canceling and Undo Extrudes